Our Meats
I am a third generation beef farmer with deep roots in the cattle industry. We have leaned more toward a smaller framed British style cow and are very fond of the red angus and the shorthorn breeds. When we cross these with Charolais bulls we find we produce an offspring that finishes efficiently with an excellent marbling that results in a tender beef. Our cattle graze from June through till the snow flies and we all know in Alberta that is unpredictable. During the cold months and calving season, the girls are brought back to the yard where they get the feed and care required to survive the winter.

We started farrowing colored pigs years ago for personal use and sale off the farm because I have to say baby pigs are about the cutest things ever. We started with Berkshire x Hampshire sows and have recently changed to large blacks x Hereford sows. They may be the cutest things on the farm but they are also the hardest to confine and the most destructive when left to free roam. Because of their ability to move freely and their more diverse diet they have a darker meat that has a lot more flavour than your traditional barn raised pork.
We are very new to the sheep husbandry having just purchased them three years ago, but I will say I think they may be my favorite to work with. They have a very gentle personality and are very easy to handle. They follow you around the pasture and talk to you whenever they see you. Although predators have been an issue as sheep are very vulnerable to coyotes which we have in abundance we recently added 2 llamas, Baby and Blue to the herd and are excited for their offspring to be born in July of 2024.